Wait, when was reports updated?!
If the changes to reports (or any other areas of the program) left you feeling lost, make sure you’re signed up for the Release emails to stay up-to-date on upcoming improvements in Alexandria.
If the changes to reports (or any other areas of the program) left you feeling lost, make sure you’re signed up for the Release emails to stay up-to-date on upcoming improvements in Alexandria.
Reports, Labels, and Notices have joined the makeover and are now three separate categories. You can read more about the changes and watch our training videos for all the details on the new format.
To know the total number of patrons in Alexandria, click on the ‘?‘ icon located in the top right corner of the program. Then, select ‘About Alexandria‘. This will provide you with the current number of patrons and also inform you about the number of patrons that you are allowed to have based on your current license.
The ‘Makeover’ is an update on all Alexandria interfaces, for design and functionality as well as to meet new web standards.
Here are the interfaces that are released: Circulation, Items, Patrons, Operations queue, Tools, Sites, Security, Maps, Reviews, Bulletin Board Builder, Preferences, Reports (and Labels, Notices), Utilities
Here are the interfaces available to try in beta: n/a
Here are the interfaces still in ‘legacy’, where updates will be coming soon: Export, Import, Authority Control, Inventory, Explore Builder, Policies, Calendars, Subscriptions
To learn more about the Makeover, why it’s happening, and what some of the new features are, you can download the zip attachment which has pdf archives of the Makeover information from the old Support Center. You can also watch the webinar from February 25th, 2025 , linked below.
Know that new features and bug fixes are for Makeover interfaces only. Legacy interfaces are not updated, and will be depreciated in 2025.
We’ve heard a lot of ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ in regards to the Makeover. It’s hard to tell, but you should know that the old interfaces ARE broken. They are using an old framework that is no longer supported and it could stop working on new browsers at any time. It’s hard to get used to new tools, much easier to keep doing the same thing, but to get improvements and new features, and to keep up with the fast-changing world of software, Alexandria has to keep changing 🙂
Additional Resources
Join our Facebook Users group to connect with other Alexandria users!
Submit a big idea for how we can improve Alexandria.
Sign up for our weekly tip emails to keep learning Alexandria.
Recent questions:
To import patron pictures, follow the 5 easy steps below:
For more detailed instructions and help, see Importing Images.
At this time, you can’t pick exactly which browse by options you want to show. However, you can control if Top Rated and Study Programs show, by turning on/off those features in Builder > Searching.
If your barcode labels are misaligned, overlapping, or off-centered, troubleshoot the issue with Barcode Your Collection.
Go to Operations>Reports>Special>Unused Barcodes. OR go to Operations>Labels>Special>Unused Barcodes. Under the Options tab, specify if you are running the report with the Range Information, Barcode List, or Barcode Labels (3×10) format.