No, the Advance Patron Grade utility will only update the Grade (Level) field. All other information, including homerooms, will need to be updated manually, with a utility, or with an import file.
Featured topic: Print the infographic and follow our beginning-of-year procedures!
Trending FAQ
I noticed that I have ten extra patrons that I was not aware of. Who are these additional patrons?
The ten additional patrons you see are default System Patrons in Alexandria. These specific patrons cannot be removed, but they can be very helpful to you and your library. To learn more about System Patrons, please visit our System Patrons support center page.
How do I advance my patron grades?
Everyone updates their patron records differently. Advancing patron grades may already be taken care of if you use patron imports or a SIS integration.
If not, go to your Grade Table Preferences and click Advance All Grades once. Check a patron record to make sure it worked properly.
For further help, please visit Patrons Preferences.
Advancing grades does not also change policies. If your patron policies match grade levels, see our Patron Imports Best Practices for instructions on updating those. |
How can I be prepared for the beginning of the school year?
The beginning of the school year can be stressful. Please visit our free online Support Center for all our Beginning-of-Year Procedures. Following our recommendations will ensure you are ready to start at the beginning of the year.
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