To run the ‘X’ command just enter ‘x’ in the command line in Circulation. You can learn more here.
Circulation is the Librarian’s primary module, used to perform general library activities like checking books in and out, placing holds and reservations, processing fees, fines, payments, etc.
To log in directly, add /circulation to the end of your Alexandria URL.
![]() | January 2025: Due to some updates, we recommend clearing your cache to improve Circulation function. |
Circulation includes a few important and distinct areas:
- Circulation controls on top, which includes the Actions Menu and Command Line.
- Current Patron and Current Item panes in the middle
- and the Circulation tabs (Circulation, Items out, Holds, Reservations, Charges, and Command help) at the bottom.
- Circulation. See a record of Circulation activity and look up patrons by homeroom/location.
- Items out. View a list of all items checked out to the current patron and renew them.
- Holds. Manage holds for the current patron or current item.
- Reservations. Manage reservations for the current patron or current item.
- Charges. Manage charges and payments for the current patron.
- Command Help. Look up Alexandria’s circulation commands to navigate Circulation faster.

Actions Menu
The Actions dropdown menu contains specialized circulation functions such as the Advanced Bookings and Process Pending Bookings commands.
Cash Drawer Balance. Enter the cash drawer Starting Balance, Start Date, End Date, and click Continue. The report totals your payments and refunds, and includes patron barcodes, dates and descriptions of charges, total refunds and/or payments, the initial drawer balance, and the new balance.

- Advanced Bookings. This will open the Advanced Bookings window, which allows you to process reservations that begin on or between two selected dates.
- Process Pending Bookings. This performs the Process Pending Bookings command, which checks to see if any of the unavailable items have recently become available. If they have, they’re automatically assigned to the requesting patron.
Command Line
The command line, located at the top-center of Circulation, is where you enter circulation commands or barcode numbers for patrons and items. If you enter only a barcode, the current Circulation Mode (shown to the left of the command line) will determine what action is performed. By default, the command line assumes that text input is a circulation command first and a patron/item barcode second.
Override Date. An operator-provided Override Date can appear immediately after the Command Line. The function of an override date depends on the current Circulation Mode.
Circulation Modes
Select a Circulation Mode from the dropdown menu located to the left of the Command Line. The Circulation Mode field indicates which function will be implemented when patron/item barcodes are typed or scanned. Frequently used modes are Bookdrop (B), Check Out (.), Hold (H), and Renewal (R).
Circulation Mode
- Bookdrop Mode (B)
- Change Destination Mod (NT)
- Check Out (.)
- Lost Copies (1)
- Discard Mode (DM)
- Hold (H)
- Hold Copy (HC)
- Inventory (I)
- Inventory Bookdrop (IB)
- Inventory Bookdrop Suppressed (IBS)
- Inventory Suppressed (IS)
- In Transit Mode (IT)
- Item Res Checkout (GG)
- Patron Res Checkout (GPP)
- Reservation by Patron (GP)
- Renewal (R)
- Reservations (G)
- Reserve (J)
- Statistics (Y)
- Transfer (.X)

Current Patron
To check out, hold, or reserve an item, you need to have a Current Patron pulled up in Circulation.
The Current Patron pane shows important patron information such as barcode, name, checked out items, charges, and credits, as well as their grade, Lexile score, and reading level (when set in Preferences). This data can differ depending if you are looking at this patron in Alexandria or Textbook Tracker.
Details: View and email or print the current patron’s account details, including currently loaned items, holds, reservations, fees and other charges, and general information. You can choose whether or not to include cover art when viewing, emailing, and printing patron details.
Lookup: Opens the Patron Lookup dialog, allowing you to search your database for patron records; performs the same action as using the “L” command.
- Notes. Available when the current patron has associated notes. Notes are provided for patrons in the Notes tabs of Patrons Management. When clicked you are also able to add notes directly to the resulting Patron Notes dialog.
- Reserves. Provides a list of the current patron’s reserves; you can remove some or all reserves from the resulting Patron Reserves dialog.
- History. Runs an individual Patron History report, which shows recent payments, credits, renewals, lost items, refunds, Lexile history, and returned items. The PDF will automatically download. You can also run this report by clicking Show History in the Actions menu of Patrons Management.

![]() | Patron Details will show relevant details for Library or Textbook data, depending on which Circulation window you access it from. To view Textbook data from Librarian or vice versa, adjust your Circulation Preferences. |
![]() | Use the Circulation Command QN to open the Email Patron Details dialog. Circulation’s Patron Details is interactive! Say you want to renew an item or forgive a charge for the patron whose Details you’re viewing. Simply click on that section’s heading (i.e. “Items Out” or “Charge Summary”) to be taken to the right place in Circulation. |
Current Item
The Current Item pane consists of two areas: The white area contains the copy, barcode, policy, call number, status, picture, and a short summary of available title copies. At the bottom, access the Copy List, Stats, item Lookup, and the actions menu.
Copy List
The Copy List shows how many copies are available, the holds queue, and lists each copy’s site, location, status, and details. It can be viewed or printed, and you can use the Q= command for quick access.
![]() | If there are more than 1000 copies, the Copy List will only show copies from the current site. |
Several parts of the Copy List are clickable:
- Author’s name. Performs an automatic item lookup by author.
- Open item details: Pulls up that title’s Item Details.
- Patron names: Makes that patron current.
- Copy call numbers and barcodes: Makes that copy current.
Copy Stats
See the copy’s checkout count, last use date, previous checkouts, and more with Copy Stats.

Enter your search term and then scroll through your results below. In a Centralized Catalog, select the site you want to search from the dropdown menu in the bottom left corner of the dialog.

You can also start a “begins with” search from the command line using an asterisk in the T command. For example, you would type “har*” if you were looking for Harry Potter.
Actions Menu
- Details. Contains information about the item, including reviews, summary, links, genres, subjects, Study Programs, awards, and publisher information. It can be viewed, printed, or emailed. While viewing Item Details in Circulation, you can click on open copy list to pull up the Copy List or on the review stars to open Reviews Management. Use the QI command for quick access.
- Notes. Add a new note or view existing notes for the current copy. Copy Notes and Alert notes can be entered here or in Items > Copy Records.
- Reserves. Shows if any Patron has placed a reserve on the copy.
- Show Map. If the current copy’s call number falls within the range of a corresponding map (created in Maps Management), selecting Show Map will display the the map, detailing where the copy is located in your library. These maps can be conveniently printed from your browser and handed to interested patrons. If the current copy lacks a call number (or there is no map with an associated call number range), Show Map is disabled.
- Vendors. This selection opens a secondary menu containing a list of Alexandria third-party partners that, when selected, link to their respective websites. Individual vendors can be disabled in Services Preferences.
Textbook Tracker
The Textbook Tracker Circulation interface works very much the same as Alexandria. Textbook Tracker does not have Reservations, Holds, or Advanced Bookings. You’ll see some other slight differences, such as the inclusion of the Copy Tag in the Current Item pane.
See the Textbook Tracker YouTube playlist.