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Circulation is the Librarian’s primary module, used to perform general library activities like checking books in and out, placing holds and reservations, processing fees, fines, payments, etc.

To log in directly, add /circulation to the end of your Alexandria URL.

Circulation Video Playlist

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Circulation FAQs

January 2025: Due to some updates, we recommend clearing your cache to improve Circulation function.

Circulation includes a few important and distinct areas:

  • Circulation controls on top, which includes the Actions Menu and Command Line.
  • Current Patron and Current Item panes in the middle
  • and the Circulation tabs (Circulation, Items out, Holds, Reservations, Charges, and Command help) at the bottom.
    • Circulation. See a record of Circulation activity and look up patrons by homeroom/location.
    • Items out. View a list of all items checked out to the current patron and renew them.
    • Holds. Manage holds for the current patron or current item.
    • Reservations. Manage reservations for the current patron or current item.
    • Charges. Manage charges and payments for the current patron. 
    • Command Help. Look up Alexandria’s circulation commands to navigate Circulation faster.

The Actions dropdown menu contains specialized circulation functions such as the Advanced Bookings and Process Pending Bookings commands.

Circulation Modes
If there are more than 1000 copies, the Copy List will only show copies from the current site.

The Textbook Tracker Circulation interface works very much the same as Alexandria. Textbook Tracker does not have Reservations, Holds, or Advanced Bookings. You’ll see some other slight differences, such as the inclusion of the Copy Tag in the Current Item pane.

See the Textbook Tracker YouTube playlist.

Circulation FAQ

How do you access the X command?

How do I remove old Homerooms from my Homeroom list?

What's the best way to automate my patron overdue or hold notices?

How do I forgive charges?

How can I easily change the copy location or copy shelving?