How far in advance can reservations be placed on items?
Patrons can place a reservation up to 90 days in advance.
Patrons can place a reservation up to 90 days in advance.
As long as there are no conflicting dates between the reservations, there is no limit to how many reservations an item can have!
Yep! You can set copies to in processing (i.e. checked out to the In Processing system patron #7) if they’re in your library but aren’t ready to be placed on shelves yet. They will automatically be marked as unavailable in Researcher, but you can hide them if you’d like. In Builder Preferences, check the In Processing box on the Auto-Hide tab.
First, go to the top right corner of the window and log in to your account. Next, search for and select an item, then click on the rating stars in the center of the window to view the reviews.
To select a new pane, go to Builder>Researcher, Display Tab, and look for the Explore Panes section. Here you’ll find the Researcher Hub setting; you can select the pane you want from here.
If you want to change the pane itself, go to Builder>Explore Builder, and make the changes to the appropriate Explore Pane.
That’s all done through Explore Builder! And you set which ‘pane’ you want to show in Explore (or Search, or Researcher hub) in Builder.
Yes! After you’ve performed a search, you can share the entire list of results or information for individual item information. You can also create a custom search list and share that with anyone you like.
Yes, with your Security Group settings you have the ability to control how much information (if any) that your patrons can edit.