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What’s coming to Alexandria? Keep an eye on this page to see what you can look forward to!

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These are all live as of the latest version: 24.10

Browse by Saved Lists
Teachers can create reading lists, make them Sharable, and students can find them easily from Browse!

Reports, Labels, Notices, Utilities

  • Introducing Labels and Notices
  • Updated modules in the style of the Makeover
  • Report format previews (know which report it is before you run it!)
  • Prompts to save your report for later
  • Easy category or list viewing

Authority Control & Calendars
Updated interfaces that now open from Tools in the same tab.

You’ll notice some parts of Alexandria look wildly different from others—Alexandria interfaces are being updated to new standards!

New-style (Makeover) interface
Old-style interface

In 2014, we made the first big step to a modern, web-based product. But the computer world advances fast! With the Dream Makeover, we are improving how it looks and feels, but we are also updating the code to follow modern standards and be more usable on tablets and phones. This is a switch we slowly started with your Researcher interfaces back in 2015 (when we introduced Slideshow!). In spring 2023 we released the first wave of updated Librarian interfaces, and are continuing these updates with an estimated end date of spring 2025.

Sometimes we release betas of our interfaces so you can try them out before they become live.

Tell us how Alexandria is working for you! How are we doing with the new improvements and features we added? Take the survey.

Get beta early access! Do you want to see early concepts and beta releases of new features? The easy way is to sign up for our beta access list, where we’ll send information, sneak peeks, and early access to beta modules. (If the form doesn’t show to the right, sign up here.)

Join our user group! If you are interested in giving more in-depth feedback and contributing to ideas before they reach beta, sign up for our user research group.

Here are a few things we’re working on now. Contact us with any questions, or send us your ideas!

  • Circulation “Tasks” tab (coming this spring)
  • Copy Location for Maps (coming this spring)
  • Textbook Type (like medium) (coming this spring)
  • Updated Imports interface in the style of the Makeover (coming this spring)
  • Updated Exports interface in the style of the Makeover (coming this spring)
  • Saving multiple Slideshows (coming this spring)
  • Updated Explore Builder interface in the style of the Makeover (beta coming this summer)
  • Updated Policies interface in the style of the Makeover (beta coming this summer)
  • “Goals” to encourage reading (beta coming this summer)
  • ILL improvements (coming this summer)
  • Site Sets to group sites for better catalog searching within districts (coming this summer)
  • Depreciate Circulation Groups in Alexandria, as they are not being used — starting with Circulation Groups Imports and Exports.
  •  Add Circulation Groups to Textbook Tracker
  • Depreciate Routes
  • Re-engineered Admin (for self-hosted users) (release coming this spring)
  • Improved sessions (not have to log in as often)
  • Improved password security
  • Enhanced operations (ongoing)
  • UTF-8 support (character optimization) (ongoing)
  • Speed and security optimization (ongoing)
  • SSO with Clever
  • Enhanced email notices (more control over ‘automatic’ emails)
  • More advanced selections for reports/labels
  • Textbooks Coming Due Items Notice & Overdue Items or Unpaid Charge Notice for TT
  • Special Status Copies report for TT, Recompute Due Date utility for TT
  •  Customize Email Subjects for Report Notices
  •  Reports for cross Library/Textbook Tracker information
  •  Inventory Management for Textbook Tracker
  •  New Researcher style (color theme)
  • Monarch integration
  •  Operation summary report (see all saved operations)
  •  Patron Reading Level report
  •  Patron History report from Reports (run it for multiple patrons at once)
  •  New Copy label report for 5×10 TALL
  •  Hold Confirmation “Letter”
  •  Hold Queue Summary report
  • Custom 3-column reports (make your own report)
  • Widget Builder & more widgets
  • Slideshow Builder module
  • Advanced Data Retention (options to keep old data)
  • BestMARC for new titles
  • Waivers
  • A way to run favorite reports from command line, or explore buttons
  • A way to consolidate grade table vs authority grades
  • Alexandria Researcher iOS app
  • A way to automatically change copy condition based on age etc.
  • Textbook Tracker “Courses”
  • Recommended Titles
  • A way for patrons to request items (can do now with a google form)

Once we have drones, they will work on these…

These real answers from a 2018 survey still make us smile!!!

 “What is one thing we could do to make you happier?

  • You could send collectors to retrieve overdue books from students 🙂
  • come do my inventory for me!
  • establish world peace LOL
  • sell pizza?
  • Come clean the library for us?  🙂
  • Increase your market share, especially over Follett Destiny. I get tired of hearing how great they are. I have used that system and like yours much better.
  • Make it free…… 😉

We love hearing your suggestions for Alexandria. Fill out our form whenever inspiration strikes!

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