24.4 Release Notes
Content is subject to change until the official release on September 21st.

Import Boards!
Want to share your Bulletin Boards with other librarians? Now you can export and import a bulletin board!
Super Summary by Call Number
The Super Summary by Call Number report has an option for you to ungroup the Other category of call numbers. This means you can get super statistics on call number prefix groups like DVD or anything outside the regular prefixes used by the report. Go to the Options tab to turn off “Group Other Prefixes”.

New and Improved

- Do you sometimes end up accidentally checking out books to patrons who aren’t even at your site? Turn on the new Circulation preference to “Alert for patrons from different sites“.
- We’ve added more accessibility features for the new Search. Aria labels, section headings, and more.

- When you are viewing one of your lists, controls for editing your list (renaming, removing/adding items) have been moved to the Edit List menu with the list name.
- Citation in MLA format is now available under full item details! Press the button to copy it.

- Updating your Slideshows is now a more pleasant experience in Builder.
- Doing an Advanced Search in Items for things like Series (authority-controlled fields) has been frustrating. We’ve made it so much better! Meaning less frustrating. Not more.
- Going forward, rejoice, lost books are properly transferred so you can bookdrop them later if they turn up.
- Item Details was having trouble with certain subjects/genres. It’s better now.
- You might have noticed that sometimes your ‘operation complete’ sound was playing…a lot. Yeah. We’ve fixed that.
- Imports are now handling policy changes better.
- The Patron Details Summary report in Textbook Tracker now shows the replacement cost for each textbook.
- The new Search was kind of hiding the Holds icon when copies aren’t available…which…you know…might be when a hold is most relevant! So we’ve fixed that.
- Saved list links from Bulletin Boards were not working so well. This has been fixed.
- Yeah, there was too much white space in summary view! We’ve cleaned up the format to be more space efficient.
- The 852 tag has been removed from when you View MARC Tag in Search.
- When looking at your lists, you can now remove individual items from the list.
- Browse by Most Popular sorting wasn’t working properly sooooo you weren’t actually seeing your most popular items. With this update, your patrons will see the popular items in your library!
- If a title has no 1xx tag, the 7xx tag shows in the results.
- Hashtags (#) in search strings (for exact match) are once again working from Explore buttons.
- Searching by Accession Date ranges is working again.
- Series volume was getting cut off when series names were too long. We’ve fixed that!