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24.1 Release Notes

Content is subject to change until the official release on June 15, 2024.

The new interfaces for Security and Bulletin Board Builder are now live! No more beta!

Coming soon:

  • Search will be released from beta in the next release (24.2)! If you haven’t looked at it yet, try it now! In this (24.1) release we’ve made changes to Builder preferences, Group Search, and the accessibility of the Search/Browse/Explore interfaces.
  • Reports and Utilities are scheduled to be released from beta in the fall (24.5).
  • Look forward to more betas in the fall….

Thank you for being patient with us as we work through all of these new interfaces! We know change is hard, even though it’s necessary to keep up with the changing technology.

It’s time to personalize your Researcher hub! Now in addition to setting your logo, you can include welcome text or instructions for your users.

(Alexandria Librarian only)

Envelope & Spine Labels have been in the ‘legacy’ category for a while, but we promise we aren’t removing them. Now they show up with the other label reports.

Our team is hard at work fixing things up in preparation for the next school year!

Be sure to try it out on the demo.


  • Envelope & Spine Labels have been in the ‘legacy’ category for a while, but we promise we aren’t removing them. Now they show up with the other label reports.


  • Due to lack of use, the Circulation Group import and export have been marked as Legacy, and will soon be removed.


  • There was something strange happening when printing the Copy List for Discarded Copies. It’s showing the proper dates now!


  • Sometimes new licenses weren’t being updated correctly—it works much better now!