How do I access the Inventory Management or helper screen?
Choose Tools on the far left, then choose the Inventory icon in the top middle.
Choose Tools on the far left, then choose the Inventory icon in the top middle.
We recommend completing all of your inventory sessions when you are finished with your whole inventory. This will ensure any items that may have been misplaced on a different shelf will be found and scanned.
Don’t forget about items that aren’t on your shelves! Items in classrooms, book rooms, or on display can be easy to overlook. Inventory these items before you declare a missing item as lost. If you’re using Sessions in the Inventory module, this may mean waiting until you have finished all of your inventory, and using utilities to declare items lost.
Also, if you are running your session by a call number range, we recommend using call numbers that are the same length with only whole numbers (no decimals). Using irregular call number lengths can lead to inaccurate estimates.
Run a report. In the Review step of the inventory process, run the Inventory Items Report. And in the Reports module, run the Copies Inventoried or Copies Not Inventoried reports.
Check your session overview and take a look at your Call Number Range. Make sure the “From” and “Through” fields have the same number of characters.
For example:
Your Alexandria serial number is located in the following places:
/admin > Status
topnav > help menu > About Alexandria
Clever is a third-party service used by school districts to facilitate the secure transfer of student rosters between their school information system (SIS) and digital learning applications. Global Grid for Learning (GG4L) is a K-12 industry collaborative that provides schools with various EdTech tools, including the secure exchange of school roster data between applications.
These programs access information from a district’s SIS such as Powerschool, Infinite Campus or Skyward and then work when set up with Alexandria to import and update patron information. Usually these services are managed at the district level and synced in Alexandria sites with IT personnel and our Customer Support assistance. Depending on the needs of each school, the decision to use one or the other is decided by the school administration before adding the services to the Alexandria license.
Librarians, students, staff, and admins are all added into the system as patrons, but have different levels of access based on their Security Group. Take a look at Adding Operators. We also recommend reviewing our Security Best Practices to ensure organized operator records and seamless access.
The “Labels” tab is not currently functioning, it is there to inform our customers in the future we will be changing the way you will access labels. Until we have made this change, you will want to access labels through the “Reports” Tab.
4. Click on Copy Labels (3×10) — Barcode Labels, Envelope Labels, Info Labels
Click on the ‘?’ Icon in the top right corner of Alexandria, and select ‘About Alexandria’. This will give you a total number of items and patrons currently in your catalog, and also tell you how many you are allowed to have based on your license.