How can I add an email address to send out notices?
To start sending email notices, you must first configure your email preferences. Please refer to our email preferences page for step-by-step instructions.
To start sending email notices, you must first configure your email preferences. Please refer to our email preferences page for step-by-step instructions.
Change your Grade Table in Preferences. You’ll want to check Authority Control as well to make sure your grades are consistent. Please learn more about modifying your Grade Table in Patron Preferences.
Entering a date will not automatically advance the Patron Grades. Learn more about Grade Table preferences.
You can! First, navigate to Preferences > Patrons > Patron Defaults tab. In the Barcode Settings section, specify the beginning number for auto-assigned barcodes – choose a number that doesn’t conflict with your item barcodes and has enough room to continue sequentially for all future patrons. Learn more in Patron Preferences.
Make sure that your Google account has two factor authentication turned off, and the “allow less secure apps” setting turned on. Note: Sometimes it takes a day for Google to allow access after changes are made. Check Email Preferences to ensure you’re using the correct settings.
Clever is a third-party service used by school districts to facilitate the secure transfer of student rosters between their school information system (SIS) and digital learning applications. Global Grid for Learning (GG4L) is a K-12 industry collaborative that provides schools with various EdTech tools, including the secure exchange of school roster data between applications.
These programs access information from a district’s SIS such as Powerschool, Infinite Campus or Skyward and then work when set up with Alexandria to import and update patron information. Usually these services are managed at the district level and synced in Alexandria sites with IT personnel and our Customer Support assistance. Depending on the needs of each school, the decision to use one or the other is decided by the school administration before adding the services to the Alexandria license.