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24.10 Release Notes

Content is subject to change until the official release on March 15th, 2025.

Inventory Management is getting a makeover! The new Inventory will be available in beta starting this release.

You can try it out on our demo:
Then let us know what you think

Calendars joins the Makeover family. Access Calendars from Tools and it now opens in the same tab. Check out the list of keyboard shortcuts to quickly close multiple days! Note that notes for individual days are no longer supported and have been removed; you can now keep a note for each calendar.


  • You’ve asked for it, and it’s here—a link to Researcher in the librarian sidenav. (Alexandria only)


  • Suspended Patrons report has been split into a list report (accessed from Reports) and a notice (accessed from Notices). (Alexandria & Textbook Tracker)
  • Speaking of reports, we know it’s been annoying to have to unlock Reports (and Labels/Notices) before adding a new one—now you don’t have to! (Alexandria & Textbook Tracker)
  • Overdue Items Information report Standard format sorted by Homeroom now totals overdue items as well as fines.


  • System patrons no longer show a credit balance on the current item window (they don’t have credit!), and we’ve clarified some of the language when you go to the Items out tab.


  • Some items that were declared Lost while In Transit ended up in a weird state where they wanted to remain lost; we’ve convinced them they can be bookdropped.
  • Lexile disappeared from the Circulation Current Item pane. We don’t know why it went away, but we’ve coaxed it back with offers of treats.
  • The Homeroom tab in Circulation was behaving oddly when the homeroom name had an accented character. Now it shows the homerooms properly.
  • Don’t have a printer? Now your automatic-print preferences work with HTML receipts!
  • The Holds Queue in your Copy List is now showing the actual hold position instead of the mysterious ’32’!


  • Duplicating a copy now properly assigns that copy (or copies) to the site you are logged in to.


  • Overdrive preferences now distinguish correctly between the Account ID and the Overdrive Code.


  • Creating a new report no longer requires you to save before turning on scheduling.
  • We’ve improved our encoding, so diacritics show up better in Reports/Operations and summary files, and email Notices with diacritics aren’t getting cut off.
  • When creating a new utility, you no longer have to save before making additional changes. We recommend saving first anyway, though.
  • The Overdue Items and Unpaid Charges notice has been taken through a massive rehaul. It should be working a lot better now, in so many ways!


  • You can now edit your lists from Patron Status to make them Searchable.


  • Reviews Management now just shows you reviews from patrons at your site.


  • Sharing titles in Search was putting spaces in the URL (which is not helpful) so we’ve fixed that.