Alexandria has multiple integrations and add-ons to fit your library. This is not a complete list—call our Sales team at 1.800.347.6439 to ask about your options!
See what you are licensed for by clicking on the help menu in the top right corner, then selecting About Alexandria.
See also Preferences > Services.

I’ve ordered an add-on. What happens now?
Add-on licenses are automatically synced to your Alexandria service over the weekend. If you need the add-on sooner, you can initiate a registration update at Tools > Sites > Actions menu > Refresh registration.
If you need any further assistance, please contact customer support.

E5799 Online Services Integration
Our most popular option!
- eBook Integrations:
- Alexandria Search Widget
- Safari Montage Integration
- Bound to Stay Bound Integration
- TeachingBooks Integration
Also ask us about our LightBox and AV2 ebook subscriptions!

E9999 Public Library Enrichment Integration
If you are a public library you’ll want to consider this collection of add-ons.
- Online Services Integration Package
- Advanced Bookings Integration
- Library Security Integration
- Expanded Lexile Services
- Z39.50 Server
SIS Integrations
Sync all your student information from one place! Explore our SIS bundles with either GG4L or Clever. Both bundles include FTP services.
FTP Import Services (FTP, FTPS, SFTP ):
- FTP Items Import
- FTP Patrons Import
- SSO/LDAP Integration Support

Mitinet Data Services
Get really great MARC records and make your collection even more discoverable.
Alexandria Engagement+
If you have the GG4L SIS Integration, also consider Alexandria Engagement+ to measure student online reading, learning, and engagement.
Alexandria Navigator
One place to search your Alexandria collection along with the rest of your databases. Learn more

Textbook Tracker
Textbook and asset management. Learn about the benefits of using Alexandria Librarian and Textbook Tracker together.

Integrated Email Service
Leave behind the headache of managing your own server, or trusting some external source—we can handle and send all of your Alexandria emails for you.

Google SSO
Looking for a Single-Sign-On solution? Alexandria now offers Google SSO! Google SSO is perfect for schools and districts already using Google.
E1000 Activities
We know your library is used for things other than checking out books. Now you can prove it, using the Activity module.
E5588 Advanced Bookings Integration
If you manage a lot of reservations at your library, you’ll want the extra features that come with Advanced Bookings.

E5590b Expanded Lexile Services
View, edit, and store more Lexile information for patrons and items.
E7500 NoveList Integration
What do I read next? Help your patrons explore their options with this add-on for Search.
E5960 Sneak Peek Integration
Give your patrons access to cover images, summaries, and reviews for all the titles in your collection.
Other whitepapers:
full list of whitepapers
Download whitepapers:
- General:
- Setup:
- Activity Module
- Engagement+
- Navigator & Engagement+
- Alexandria Navigator
- CampusKEY
- GG4L SIS Integration
- OneRoster Clever GG4L
- SIS Integration Bundle Grid
- Online Services
- Alexandria eBook Subscriptions
- eBooks Integrations
- BestMARC
- Lexile Package
- Resource Centers Benefits
- Textbook Tracker
- Why Renew Alexandria
Related articles: Third-Party Scanner Troubleshooting
Store page:
Install guides
- Scanners:
- Printers:
Network Printer Security Certificate Form
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