Miss Honey would like to automatically notify patrons when their holds are about to expire. How can she do this in Alexandria? With the In-stock Hold Notice!
Tag: reports
Floods, fires, earthquakes, or something as simple as a broken pipe could cause the loss of your library. Here’s some resources in Alexandria in case the worst happens.
Do you have reports, labels, or notices that are you go-to? Rather than re-selecting all your settings every time, create a saved report instead!
You’ve probably noticed that Operations interfaces are all out of beta and have officially joined the makeover. If you’re having a little trouble or want a refresher on the new interface, check out our brand new training videos for Reports, Labels, Notices, and Utilities.
Miss Honey’s library has made a push the last two months to teach students how to use Alexandria Researcher–but how can she tell if it worked? The Researcher Monthly Usage report!
Summer is coming, which means wrapping up your inventory for the year. Now is the time to begin identifying lost and discarded copies and removing them from your system. Here’s how!
Are things piling up before school is out for the summer? Wondering which reports you should run for help with your End-of-Year procedures? We got you covered. Even better, you can run the reports from our new reports beta!
Lots of the reports (and labels and notices) in Alexandria say (Legacy) at the end, meaning… they are on the way out. But don’t worry! We have replacement reports for the legacy reports that are new and improved, and still perform the function of the legacy reports. Most of the time they are simplified or combined to be more efficient.
Miss Honey has all of her librarians trying out the new Alexandria Reports beta, and they have some questions! Let’s go over it together, shall we?
Emily is checking out a book on the Salem witch trials when Miss Sanderson notices the label is peeling off the spine. Rather than holding Emily up by addressing the problem right then, she adds a copy note that will come up once the book is checked back in.
But how can she keep track of all the copy notes and patron notes?