Summer is coming, which means wrapping up your inventory for the year. Now is the time to begin identifying lost and discarded copies and removing them from your system. Here’s how!
Tip of the Week
Are things piling up before school is out for the summer? Wondering which reports you should run for help with your End-of-Year procedures? We got you covered. Even better, you can run the reports from our new reports beta!
We’re speeding closer every day to the end of the school year! Here’s our annual overview of the procedures you’ll need to do to get Alexandria all ready for the summer.
We’ve got more End-of-Year tips for you! One of the first things you’ll want to do in preparation for the end of the year is check your library’s calendars and item policies. With Alexandria, you can set Period Due Dates and Hard Due Dates.
Where does the year go? It’s almost time for the summer break, and you can’t start too early on preparing your library for the break.
Lots of the reports (and labels and notices) in Alexandria say (Legacy) at the end, meaning… they are on the way out. But don’t worry! We have replacement reports for the legacy reports that are new and improved, and still perform the function of the legacy reports. Most of the time they are simplified or combined to be more efficient.
It’s inventory time again. Never fear, Sessions are here! Sessions let you tackle your inventory one piece at a time, based on how you conduct your inventory: by section of your library, by person inventorying, by date, or all of the above. A Session can be continued by yourself or anyone else with permission to inventory at that site.
Spring has sprung, and summer break is right around the corner. If you want to get a jump on your inventory, here are all the links you need.
Miss Honey’s school library has started remote holds and checkouts, which means using Search a lot more than before. While Search is powerful and flexible, sometimes it’s a little tricky to find what you’re looking for… Are there any tips for using it effectively? Is there anything she, as a librarian, can do to make things easier to find? Yes and yes!
We’re introducing our brand new search beta, and it seems like the perfect time to review advanced search and Boolean logic in Alexandria.