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Tip of the Week

Lost, Discarded — Hidden!

When an item is lost or discarded, you may want it to remain in your database for a period of time. If you don’t want patrons to see these items in the meantime, the solution is simple with Alexandria’s Auto-Hide feature.

Using In-Transit mode, the right way

For Central Union users, the In-Transit mode and In-Transit patron (barcode 9) is probably the least-understood but integral part of the Central Union System. Improper use of the In-Transit feature can cause a lot of problems, so let’s review how to use it properly!

Level up your searching

The new and improved Search is officially out of beta, and it’s the perfect time for a review and a tour! For example, did you know that Researcher has five different ways to search? Empower your patrons to level up their searching game and utilize your library.