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Tag: Circulation

‘Shelving’ eBooks

Are your students more likely to browse your shelves than your catalog? If so, how can you get them interested in all those eBooks in your collection that don’t have a space on the shelves? Make them a space!

Using In-Transit mode, the right way

For Central Union users, the In-Transit mode and In-Transit patron (barcode 9) is probably the least-understood but integral part of the Central Union System. Improper use of the In-Transit feature can cause a lot of problems, so let’s review how to use it properly!

The magic X

The X command is a great way to perform multiple time-saving functions within Circulation. Let’s take a look at what the “Magic X” can do for you!

The gift of keyboard shortcuts

Right before winter break is a busy time in the library–that’s why Miss Honey saves time with keyboard shortcuts! If you’re not on the keyboard shortcut train yet, now’s your chance. They are the gift that keeps on giving!