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Posts by Bethany Brown

57 posts

What do you want under your tree?

If you’re like us, you’ve got a lot of books on your holiday gift list this year! But what’s on your Alexandria wish list? We’ve got tons of great add-ons to enhance the experience using Alexandria that will make it feel like Santa came early this year.

Get your books back – send emails!

Winter break is coming soon, and that means it’s time to make sure books are returned before students leave for the holidays. 
You can send email notices to your patrons for an easy way to remind them to bring those books back.

Researcher: custom message

Add a welcome message or important seasonal information like upcoming holiday hours to your Researcher home page.

Branding: adding your logo

Brand your Researcher hub for a seamless transition between your school’s website and Researcher. Your students will know they’re on the right page.

Lost, Discarded — Hidden!

When an item is lost or discarded, you may want it to remain in your database for a period of time. If you don’t want patrons to see these items in the meantime, the solution is simple with Alexandria’s Auto-Hide feature.

Cataloging and circulating activity kits for teachers

Ms. Honey is teaching history next week, and specifically a section on Egypt. She wants to borrow the activity kit for hieroglyphs. Does this mean she has to check out all 30 items in the kit? Not if you catalog your activity sets using these tips!

Using In-Transit mode, the right way

For Central Union users, the In-Transit mode and In-Transit patron (barcode 9) is probably the least-understood but integral part of the Central Union System. Improper use of the In-Transit feature can cause a lot of problems, so let’s review how to use it properly!

Condition codes for maturity ratings

Back in July, we went over how to add book conditioning to your library. Well, did you know that if you only use two conditions (Usable and Unusable), you can utilize condition codes in an entirely different way?

Level up your searching

The new and improved Search is officially out of beta, and it’s the perfect time for a review and a tour! For example, did you know that Researcher has five different ways to search? Empower your patrons to level up their searching game and utilize your library.