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Posts by Bethany Brown

40 posts

Condition codes for maturity ratings

Back in July, we went over how to add book conditioning to your library. Well, did you know that if you only use two conditions (Usable and Unusable), you can utilize condition codes in an entirely different way?

Level up your searching

The new and improved Search is officially out of beta, and it’s the perfect time for a review and a tour! For example, did you know that Researcher has five different ways to search? Empower your patrons to level up their searching game and utilize your library.

Command barcodes-you don’t even have to use the keyboard

If you are in a scanning frenzy—checking things in, checking things out, you’ve got a busy library—you might not want to let go of the scanner in order to use the mouse or keyboard to change modes in Alexandria’s Circulation window.

The magic X

The X command is a great way to perform multiple time-saving functions within Circulation. Let’s take a look at what the “Magic X” can do for you!

Analyze your collection—Mitinet and Titlewave

It’s the beginning of the school year, meaning it’s time for Miss Honey to take a look at her collection and decide what needs to be ordered, weeded, or enhanced. What percentage of her collection is ebooks? Which records are still using AACR2 rather than RDA? Are any books missing an Accelerated Reader level?

Psst! What’s the password (best practices)?

Are you guilty of writing your password on a visible sticky note, using easy-to-guess passwords like 12345 or even PASSWORD? Well, the beginning of the year is the perfect time to review and recommit to safe password practices in your library.

Unused barcodes, reporting for duty

Miss Honey is ordering books from a specific vendor. She knows the range of barcodes that are assigned for this particular vendor, but how can she tell which barcodes are already in use, and which are unused and available for new copies? Enter: the Unused Barcodes Report.

Tab-delimited files for patron imports: Let’s Review

Step two of our beginning of year procedures is to Import patrons, and patron imports are required to be in tab-delimited format. Depending on your SIS or the spreadsheet you’re using, this could also show as tab-separated value.

Ordering items made easy

The beginning of the school year is a great time to review ordering from vendors.