Safari Montage

COMPanion has seamlessly integrated the SAFARI Montage streaming video service to work with our Alexandria Researcher interface’s search results, making their combined functionality simple and easy to use.
For example, let’s say that you’ve licensed SAFARI Montage services; you would then import the MARC records of SAFARI Montage streaming videos into Alexandria. During import, these records will be tagged as SAFARI Montage and given a default SAFARI Montage medium image. When these records are returned in the results of a Alexandria Researcher search, you will see the SAFARI Montage icon in the upper-left corner of the item image, information about the title, and a link to the streaming video. When the link is clicked, you will be taken to a new window containing the SAFARI Montage streaming video.

- Enable SAFARI Montage. When enabled, a SAFARI Montage selection will appear in the Actions menu menu located in the Current Item pane of the Circulation window.
- Vendor URL. Selecting SAFARI Montage from the Vendors section of the Actions menu will take you to the address provided here. The default is:

Under the Contact tab, you may fill out contact information for your SAFARI Montage representative.
Importing SAFARI Montage Records
During item import, there is a MARC check for SAFARI Montage records; any that are discovered during import are flagged accordingly. Here’s more information on how it works:
- When a file containing MARC records is imported into Alexandria, the 856u field is scanned; if the text string “safari montage” is found, the record is flagged as a SAFARI Montage title.
- Any record flagged as SAFARI Montage that lacks a default cover image will have its image set to the SAFARI Montage default medium image. The image can still be replaced by an operator the same way they are able to replace a patron or item picture.
The only time a record’s default medium image will be set to the SAFARI Montage image (see above) is during import. If an item is added manually, the image will also have to be manually selected. This decreases the chances of ever overwriting one of your custom images.
- An 852u field check is performed automatically every time the item record is accessed. Any title record found containing the “safari montage” text in the 856u field will have a special image overlay in the upper-left corner showing that the item is a SAFARI Montage record when viewed in a Alexandria Researcher interface. This is important to note when replacing the default SAFARI Montage medium images with your own custom images.
- After a SAFARI Montage import file has been identified, two settings will be automatically set on the Import window:
- The Import Titles Only radio box on the item Import Settings tab will be selected.
- The Item Policy drop-down menu will be set to eBook.