Overdue items notices–”Yes, I am sending them”
January 30, 2023
“Are you SURE my kid is getting overdue notices? When? How often?” If a parent comes to you with that question, and for some reason it becomes your responsibility to prove to them that yeah, their kids are getting notified, Alexandria has some tools to do that!

If you are sending overdue notices via a report you’ve set up, like the Overdue Items Notice, you can set up a spreadsheet–e.g. every time it runs, paste the list of patrons it sent to with the date.
Once you’ve compiled this data over time, then when it comes up, you can sort the spreadsheet by patron to see how often a particular patron has been notified of overdue items (and on what dates).
Another option? Have the parent’s email in the Other email field in the patron record. Then, you can set the notice to send the emails to Primary and Other emails, so the parents also get the overdue items notices.

As always, you can reach out to our 24/7 support team at 1-800-347-4942 for assistance.